尋獲受困雨林4姊弟!搜救犬仍失蹤 軍方不願放棄:「找到牠才算完成任務」

In this photo released by Colombia's Armed Forces Press Office, soldiers and Indigenous men pose for a photo with the four Indigenous brothers who were missing after a deadly plane crash, in the Solano jungle, Caqueta state, Colombia, Friday, June 9, 2023. Colombian President Gustavo Petro said Friday that authorities found alive the four children who survived a small plane crash 40 days ago and had been the subject of an intense search in the Amazon jungle. (Colombia's Armed Force Press Office via AP)



尋獲受困雨林4姊弟!搜救犬仍失蹤 軍方不願放棄:「找到牠才算完成任務」


▼4姊弟轉述大姊Lesly Jacobombaire Mucutuy講述的事發經過,原來事發後孩子們的母親氣息尚存,她要孩子們趕快離開,後來Lesly就帶著弟弟妹妹在雨林中靠吃粗木薯粉求生。後來Lesly把雨林中的所見畫下來,其中包括一隻狗狗,軍方很快就認出這隻狗狗是搜救犬Wilson。



尋獲受困雨林4姊弟!搜救犬仍失蹤 軍方不願放棄:「找到牠才算完成任務」

尋獲受困雨林4姊弟!搜救犬仍失蹤 軍方不願放棄:「找到牠才算完成任務」

